[o]'s DailyLife:November 3rd:At midnight,[o] came to me, in his hand a CD.
He said "
[x] put this in your laptop, this for phone numbers for Eid call"
I was like "
a whole Cd for phone numbers!"
I inserted the CD,ran it, opened the CD folder.
He said "
open this file"
I opened it, and the surprise was...
A microsoft word file full of phone number written in font size 11pt, for more than 5 pages.
I was like "
who are these people?"
I asked him, he said "
Thiz iz only my friends"
I said to myself "
Man, he could have had a political party, change a whole government system,which as a result will invade other countries and brainwash its people to fit his Car-Lumina-food-arabic-music ideology"
I asked him "
Do you have to call all these?"
He said "
Yeah sure"
I was like "
No wonder half of your salary goes to telecom companies"
we slept late for Eid. In the morningThe house owner woke us up, we were late.
I took a shower real quick for
4minutes.[o] didn't take a shower, just jumped and dressed as fast as
Superman does in any boothphone[phone box] in the streets of NY.
[o] had to be at 8am at school. it was 7:48am when we left the house.
we were really late. So my friend drove fast and fortunately he went through
5 Green Traffic Lights non-stop, and crossed two Yellow Traffic Lights, stopped at one red light. that's
8 Traffic lights.
[o] said in the car, today late.
The house own who was driving said "
Yeah u got up late"
I explained that's because of
Eid and we slept late.
When we got to
[o]'s school.
He got out of the car, and told me in the native language "
Keef ma trooo7 t9alee al3eed[
don't you want to go to pray alEid?]"
I said "
No I have class soon"
then i said to myself "
hmm strange I thought he had a class"
When we were leaving the school building. The House Owner looked back at the school and say
[o] not getting inside the school and waiting outside for someone.
He was like "
Man what the hell! I was speeding to get here and he is not getting inside for class"
I said "
well he is waiting for someone to pick him up for Eid prayer"
House Owner said "
man he should have told us instead of letting me drive fast"
I said "
Well...you know his English he couldn't explain it probably"
I know I can't be good lawyer...but nevermind.
When we came home from school after a long day.I asked the owner of the house "
how was [o] with you when you took him to the airport today?".
He took
[o] to the airport to pick up someone
He said "
man i ask questions to him and I get completely different answers"
I said "
Yeah slowly he will be good"
I said
what else?he said "
he talked about his Lumina alot and how much it speeds"
Imagine, He has talked about his Lumina to me more than 3 times already.
I said Yeah man That's Him...
to be continued....
Based on True Facts. ...just another Dark comedy.