Friday, November 04, 2005

[o]'s [4thDay]

[o]'s DailyLife:
November 1st:
At Night.
[o] interviewed me for his homework it went like this:
he asked "What's your name? And where are you from?"
I answered "my name is [x], and I am from x country"
He asked "What climate you like"
I was like "hmmm..Hot!.."
He said "No No, you like fall summer What?"
I said "I like Fall"
He said "why?"
I said "because I don't get much allergy"
He asked me to spell that, so i did.
Later on...
He said "soccer and what ?"
I was like "hmmm oh hobbies, I said Only soccer"
he said " And what?"
I went quiet and thinking to give him something easy to write down so...
I said "And Soccer!"
he said "only!", I said "yes"
he said Ok Interview finish..I was like OH! Only!
He said "Yaas. Only this"
I was like "Yeah u bet", I wish all journalists interview like you on Tv, would make the world much less complex.
He left to bed and said "Me Old, sleep early"
I laughed...and Said "Yeah I noticed, Goodnight."

Dark Comedy.
Note: This is the post #170


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha ..

U Know its like a new Spirit adding to ur live ,,

EnJoY It ..

And tell hem my regards ..


Tr@fficJ@m said...

how do u keep it together and not burst out laughing in his face?? Sorry..I'm alittle evil!