Wednesday, November 23, 2005

[s]'s daily.

While talking to my sister, and asked "how is school*"?
Her reply was the following:

[s]: School* is bad
[x]: Why?
[s]: I don't know, everyday I see something stupid about this place.
[x]: give examples please?
[s]: You know, for example, If i open a door to go inside a food place, a girl would come from far and jump in and try to get in before me, like I opened the door for her.
[x]-- I am like "What ! is this some chicken cage!"
[x]: hehe, then what else?
[s]: You know, When I go to the public restroom, to fix my hijab, I see the restroom crowded with girls doing their Make-ups!, It's like they haven't heard of Make-ups before. And, You know, When I go to another public restroom I see the same girls. I don't know they come to school or a wedding!
[x] -- I was like lol, what a it the Matrix?
[x]: Well, buy them some wall paints and give it to them so they won't worry any more about make-ups.
[s]-- she kept talking and ignored my advise...
[s]: You know Everytime I talk to any teacher asking him about something important, a girl from his class will jump and drag him and take him away like I am not there or not even wasn't talking to him.
[x]: lol...your school sounds like an unorganized society, somalia?
[s]: I don't know...
[s]--she's never into politics, so no idea.
[x]: I'm sorry but be patient
[s]: I don't know, all these stupid things happened from girls. I don't even know where they grew up, all they care about is Make-ups.
.....the end .

Note: [s] is my sister or any female relative. *[school = university].

1 comment:

TripleTee said...

sounds like a typical arab school...:p
they've much to learn...