Thursday, November 03, 2005

DemocratizationOFiraq + BedTimeQuote[13]

Poem: Democratization of Iraq

Justifying Imams,
Long beard.
Tiny Brains.
Follow the fools
Follow the Cools!
You want Democracy ?
What a conspiracy!
Letting you choose
Between Yes or No!
while they know it's Yes.
Lesson to Learn.
Democracy is not freedom
in your eyes, stardom.
seeking it blindly.
Knowing nothing totally.
Quranic Lesson.
don't follow their ideology.

BedTime's Quote: " You can never tell the difference between someone happy and someone sad, the first his heart can be as dark as the nights sky, the second his heart can be as confused as you are"..cited by [x]

"Saddam said 'The mother of all battles just started' , but I say 'The mother of all ideologies just started evolving, watch out, close by, dont sleep near' " [x]

MyDaily Note: My Eid was really bad, the worst ever, Thanks Allah for everything. I haven't read much today but I learned little bit of Photoshop, and did some Access SQL.

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