Monday, August 11, 2008


Seaside fishing
Seaside fishing by [x]

: I haven't blogged much lately because I didn't have what it takes to be meaningful...lately. Good night.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

2nite's Last Words[2]:

2nite's Last Words[2]:
"How unfortunate, we do pray, every day, only because it's a tradition. It's become as moves done five times daily, barely we feel its spirituality and its value. it is as a nutrition for our souls, our physical organ is full, while a spiritual famine hits us. Anyway...I have to go now because it's time to pray but not as a traditional act"

Friday, August 01, 2008

Partial Solar Eclipse

Partial Solar Eclipse 20% - 2
Partial Solar Eclipse Taken by [x]

Note: Taken in Oman Muscat, August First afternoon.