Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Boycotting Music.

BedTime's Quote[101]:
"A great Civilization to outlast any other Civilization must focus on all fields of life- from The biggest to the smallest matter in the universe- to ensure its existence and its balance otherwise its fall is inevitable" --[x] [SocioPolitical-Understanding]

Political Status: Offensive.
Psychological Status: Recovering, Severe Moods Swing.

Tonight's Blacklist:
- Congo's War, The deadliest War since The WWII, 4 Millions killed since 1998, And All International Political Policies are only targeting Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. I guess that's where most Oil fields and Gas pipes exist

A Civilization and Myself Without Music~?

It's been Eight days now since I 99% stopped listening to music. I don't know how long I can stay without it, I am just trying to see how much I will change. When Islamic Civilization was on its peak was successful in all fields of life, Science, Art, Music, and more. Yes even Music, During Abbassid dynasty, Ishaq and his father Ibrahim Almawsili, who were originally from Musel Iraq, were famous musicians and Islamic Music was on its peak during that era [+]. Ziryab, Ishaq Almawsili's pupil, emigrated to Spain, Al-Andalus, because of his teacher jealousy! Who improved music more by adding a 5th string to The lute, عود, which by the way also led to Guitar in 15th Century. However, I think that even though Muslims developed and invented all these great elements of Science, Arts, Music, and more, which created a great civilization, those same elements caused its fall in a way or another. When Muslims focused on Arts and entertainments more than the other aspects of life, this eventually caused weakness in The Civilization.

Such a weakness was not only caused by Arts and Music, but by other side-effects that led the leaders of the civilization to focus on luxury, wealth, music, Hareems, and more. They ignored the more important fields of life and focused their brain power and time on things, that might be good to have, but bad to overuse and emphasize on. While The Western Civilization is focusing its brain power and time on a lot fields of life, from the biggest object to the tiniest matter in the universe, unfortunately, today the majority of Arabs and their Media TV Channels focus on Music and not even Art. Moreover, their music is nothing really close to What Al-Andalus or Abbassid Musicians invented, but all are very influenced by Western Pop and Disco music, so uncreative. Special Thanks to the leaders of such influence, her Majesty Hyfa Wahbi, and Rotana Music Industry! We must wake up, and focus on more important things. A great Civilization to outlast any other Civilization must focus on all aspects of life to ensure its existence and its balance otherwise its fall is inevitable. Finally, now I ask myself again "Why did I stop listening to music?, will I listen to it again?".

Good Night Dear Readers.


Solidus said...

Music is part of everyone's life nowaday, many people (including me) can't live without music..
There might be some bad points in listening to music, but the good points are definatly more.. The pure music is some type of therapy that many people use..
When you are in a bad mood, the first thing you should do is listen to music, and it would be twice as effective if you played it yourself..

I liked the explanaition of the music history, as I find al-3ood and the guitar more like an endless ocean of talents and rules of unlimited basis..

Loved reading and waiting for more..


rare said...

Gr8 job, what happened with u! Have you heard it after that!
You can't escape from them, they are everywhere, but starting with you, others might start.
I quit music too ... It was hard first, then you've got many other things to care about instead of those silly words & dances.
Keep on

ق said...

I found your blog by coincidence while looking for anti-nationalism, as I was looking to write something about it on a leftist forum.
I read some of your previous posts but I have a lot to more to read as I liked what I read so far.
And I decided to comment when I read this post (as I read it last), I totally agree with every thing you said but not the conclusion. I also don’t listen to shit “music” but still listen to good music, which I’m sure you have a lot of, I don’t have a tv (saying that I do download and watch “tv shows” that I like, e.g. family guy, south park…)
The reason I’m commenting is the give you a link to a very good website (al moltaqa)
listen to souad massi (if you havn’t already)
and see if you like any of the soufi anashid
it’s best that you listen to this song for (مجموعة ابن عربي) and if you like it go on and listen to others

One last thing, I have two great albums (in fact they are my favourite) but it was produced on small scale, I will look to upload them when I have a little more time.
Take care

Degoat said...

huh.. why would u do that to ur self..

i dont think i will ever want to stop listening to music.. its like its my best friend

نورجان said...

Mashallah Mashallah Mashallah!
It's easy to go saying it's okay to listen to music and that music is food for our souls and all those lies people tell themselves ...
(El shay6an Eyzayyen yabook)

But it's hard deciding to leave what's destroying us most without us knowing it ...

Mashallah 3alaik ...

I remember when I first decided to stop listening to music ... I used to go back to listening , but then hold myself again ... o hatha 7aaley
Until ...Allah Thabbatni ...

Allah Ythabtak yaaaaa rab

God I'm so happy for you I think I'm going to cry ...

iamnasra said...

As aolidus mention music can have a good effect sort of music therapy where u try to interact with mention through music look it up in google and see wat u can find on music therappy in aiding those who have specail needs

نورجان said...

وراك يالفول؟ ... ياخي رايي وشعوري

اهئ اهئ

يالله اخوي الفول عقبالك تترك الاغاني قل آمين

نورجان said...

Solidus ...
يابوك لا تشيل ذنوب غيرك ، وتعزف لهم
الحين مستانسينلك ، بالقيامه ضدك

. said...

You can't live without music, as soon as you hit the age of 40 you will stop for sure. I am not 40. I used to have a guitar, could not learn so i sold it, I stopped 99% listening to music for more than a month now. Thank you for your comment, and welcome to blog world.

I stopped almost completely, last week I listened little bit I downloaded some but soon after I stopped again, It's not important to me any more. I like a song, I listen to it few times then that's it for me. I don't care much any more. Thank u for ur comment.

Thank you for the link, some of the songs in there are Anthems more than a song, and they sound nice, What did u find about AntiNationalism? I am one.

Why did I stop? just like that! If you think of it deeply, then you will know how I felt...etc Thank you for your comment.

=), mashallah, you sound so kind. It's important to control yourself, I have control now, I listen If i want, and quite it easily without any problem. ya3ni it's not really big part of my life.

Long time no see, poet, I hope you are doing fine, thanks for the information and you are right, just depends what we are listening and how much we are listening to it, addictive way or just few minutes.

ق said...

اللاوطنية التي كنت ابحث عنها، مختلفة قليلا عن لاوطنيتك، على كل حال انا كنت افصح في جانب محدد الا وهو ما مدى طبيعية ان يكون الانسان لاوطني؟ و هل الانتماء لشيء اكبر من الوطن يمكن يعوض عن للانتماء للوطن نفسه، فانا مثلا انتمائي الاول و الاخير للبشرية، و ارى ان ذلك يشمل وطني الذي ولدت فيه ايضا.
اليك رابط لجزء من البوم جيد، مختلف قليلا كنت قد رفعته لمصلحة صديق و ساقوم بازالته فور حاجتي للمساحة لهدف اخر

. said...

Thanks for the file, Antinationalism according to Wikipedia is nothing to what I am trying to define, and you are a humanitarian kind of antinationalism.