Saturday, July 22, 2006

BTQ[103] + Why The Fight.

Why The Fight by [x]
"Injustified War" by [x].
BedTime's Quote[103]:
" To face the enemy, while your nation is divided into small countries, and each country with many parties, and each party with many militia groups, you need to destroy all these borders, all these parties, unite them, then face the enemy. Otherwise, Sooner or later, a clash between those countries, and parties and its militias is inevitable, either the enemy is defeated today or tomorrow" --[x] [Political-Understanding].

MyPhoto: I took the photo two days ago, after I had a blackout at night and spent my night reading some magazines under the candle. The photo speaks itself.


ق said...

such a late come back, i have been very busy.
to be honest i my comment Hezbollah vs HezbArabollah would have been a little different but for this post, I’m not sure I understand the type of anti-nationalism you are try to define (by the way I’m wouldn’t count myself 2 much on the humanitarian side, I’m probably more of an of mainstream-left anti-nationalist) the reason I’m wondering about you anti-nationalism is that I sense strong nationalism in this post.
There is to discuss between us (if you wish to) but I hope we clarify this point first.

Regarding you fierce attack on Arab nationalism, I think it was unjustified, what I mean is, the recent evens don’t prove your point against anti-nationalist movements/ideas in the arab world, arab nationalist movements ideology is very simple and very natural, “uniting all 22 arab countries in one country would make a strong country that’s able to take the arab nation forward, protect the arab existence and shrug off the foreign nasty intervention in the region” which is very understandable, I mean that I can relate to these ideas considering the history of the region and the fact the that these borders we see now are no more than 90 years old (the national movements existed as early as 1910s even older than the border) I can see my self as part of one of these movements if I had lived around the 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s or even 60s and 70s. (I’m not sure my point is clear here, just remember I’m anti-nationalist)

Yes the nationalist movements have fail “even when they were progressive ideas” but there were many reasons, and I think these type of movements have to be studied closely, to understand many things that would help move forward with any mass movement in the arab world.

In your post you raised many points that I wanted to discuss, (I think we have come from completely different backgrounds and we have different tools of thinking so it’s natural to disagree) anyway I have to go to be now, I will come back later

Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...

poignant picture

. said...

Hi Elfool, I can't support Arab Nationalism, that's just impossible. How was the protest?

Hi Saleeha, thanks for ur comment, I took it for lebanon.

ق said...

the protest was very good, the media coverage was good locally, but nationally they focused on the national demo in London, we will keep working hard.

i think you misunderstood me, maybe i didn't make my point clear enough, i don't support Arab nationalism, i never said you should, i said that up till the 60s some nationalist movements were “progressive”. another reason as why you would have understood me is that (as I indicated earlier) we come from completely different backgrounds, I don’t believe in one perfect ideology that’s able solve every problem anywhere anytime! I believe the same movements that can progressive evolutionary at some period of time, can become backward and damaging a few years down the line, let’s Bolivia at the current time for an example, the president Evo Morales not long ago was the best thing that has happened to the country for god know how long! But now he looks like he is trailing miles behind an ever so progressive movement from below, he has found him self one the side of the big corporations against the people who elected him in, unable to turn things the other way around because that’s how the system works, I’m not saying that he is backward and damaging yet, what I’m saying that if continues with same ideology and methods that he started with he will find himself in that position in no time, but thanks to the progressive movement on the ground that never took it’s eyes of things for a 2nd and therefore not allowed Morales to become an obstacle in the way of the movement.

I’m not really sure this is relevant to you, so tell me when you want me to stop

nosa said...

the pic was Superb maslahha :)
n the quote ! i sooo agreee on it.. i always say that ! well in the same meaning of it! hehe