Saturday, September 02, 2006


Bashar Calligraphy by [x]
My Calligraphy "Bashar" by [x]

BedTime's Quote[112]:
"Criticizing and Disagreeing with someone honsetly doesn't mean You hate them"--[x] [Sociopolitical-understanding]

Political Status: Offensive.
Psychological Status: Very happy.

She bought an empty diary,
With a cover page of Cyrillic Alphabets,
She filled Five pages,
With Innocent Photos,
And Meaningful Symbols.
And stopped...
She said "Fill the rest for me"
And Let's share the memory.
Inspired by [y]

MyNote: MyCalligraphy I wrote, is political, and If you can't read it, then that's your problem. hehe. The poem is clear.

Good Night Dear readers.


Snooky said...

I hope I got the message right then.

IntI said...

very nice poem like it walla,,
n da handwriting aint clear wat i can read is قلة أدب كومة الاسد!

. said...

Yes you got it, Snooky :).

Hi Bluewaves, The writing is somehow clear but it's good u did not get it..:) hehe.
