Sunday, September 18, 2005

Hard Equation

For the first time I got my idea from a right place, wouldn't say where. I told my friend once that "Women are hard equations", she laughed, then I said "can I solve for [y]? since I am already [x]" she then even laughed comment.


nefud said...

".., she combines geometric concepts with detailed analysis of partial differential equations to describe objrcts as varied as soap bubbles, black holes, and certain kinds of quantm tunneling"

-Claudia Henrion,Women in Mathematics: The Addition of Difference, p.41.

. said...

If I were Claudia Henrion which is impossible for me to be a female anyway. I would say " She combines geometric concepts with detailed analysis of partial differential equations to describe objects or illusionary visions as varied as shoppings,Kabsa,make-ups, and certain kinds of feniminist ideological's holes".