BedTime's Quote[104]:
" Losing a friend is a sign of failure and reconsideration, and it's been my last name so far." --[x] [Social-Understanding].
Political Status: Sufi.
Psychological Status: Disappointed, Quiet.
The Two Kids' Tales Of The Dark Neon Life.
At a hot night of July 2033 , two kids, whose names and ages were [y] and [x], 10 and 11 years old, were watching a thunderstorm over a small hill in their small quiet village [z]. It was not an ordinary thunderstorm. It was dark neon red, loud, and flashing bright. It was not something from nature, but it was created by humans' misbehaviors, mischievousness, and greediness. It was just another bloody battle in the horizon of that night. A bloody war between Evil and Evil, there was no Good any more in their world. In their World, Evil was defined by Good as good, and Good is defined by Evil as Evil. The two kids watched the storm in the horizon, they thought it was a wonderful lightening sight to make admiring comments on. Cluelessly, they made theories and tales about it.
[x] said “That dark neon red life is just a process to create new born babies to life, and we are all from there. It‘s loud and bright flashing because of the new born babies’ smiles and laughter. God must be there taking care of it too, even though I think God is too big to be there. I think my mother is from there too, and she doesn’t want to tell us because she is shy and she never wants to tell us how beautiful that place is. I am sure it’s beautiful if we get closer to it, I am also sure they live longer there and they are never rejected when they ask for something such as Chocolates”. [y] interrupted him and said “But wait, I thought chocolates were bad for teeth!”. [x] said “Yes, it’s only bad here, only here, but inside that dark neon red life there is nothing bad. I am sure…”. [y] sighed and went quiet, thinking and thinking, then said “You know, I think it is something different than what you said”. [x] said “Oh come on, I am sure it is as I told you”.
[y] said “Well, maybe but listen to my tale, I think that dark neon red life is a huge theme park, full of games and playful grounds, from the safest relaxing game to the most shocking exciting dangerous game. There must be many clowns, and many colorful faces, like carnivals, with many toys and tools to entertain people”. [x] jumped in and said “No, no, no, this is impossible, because a theme park, from farm, usually is not red, but colorful”. [y] replied loudly “No, It’s red because this one is special, even if you go inside there it’s all free to play any game, and you can play as many times as you want and you never get tired, you don’t even feel time any more, and you can’t tell when to stop or when to start. That’s how exciting and amazing it is”. [x] had a disagreeing look on his face, and said “Well, I think you just love to play and you don’t care about how life started, you just want to waste your time playing, what a playful kid you are”. [y] raised her right eyebrow and looked angry, “I don’t care what you think of me, I am just sure that place is amazing no matter how we both think of it”. [x] replied mockingly “Yes it’s so amazing mostly according to our tales and theories, nothing more”. The loud Siren went on again, and they went back running down to their shelters…
When you are not inside it, *** To feel the pain.
Written by [x]. under revisions.
Previous Political Fiction [3].
Good Night dear readers.