Friday, August 25, 2006

أبن المعتز

و النجمُ في الليلِ البهيمِ تخالهُ ----- عَيناً تُخالِسُ غَفلَة َ الرُّقَباءِ

والصّبحُ من تحتِ الظّلامِ كأنّهُ ----- شَيْبٌ بَدا في لِمّة ٍ سَوداءِ
أعاذلَ قد كبرتُ على العتابِ ،----- و قد ضحك المشيبُ على الشبابِ
رددتُ إلى التّقى نفسي، فقرّت، ----- كما ردّ الحسامُ إلى القرابِ
ومالٍ قد سخَوتُ به وجاهٍ----- وجيهٍ لا يخافُ أذى الحجابِ
وكيفَ تُصانُ، عن أجرٍ وَحمدٍ، ----- وجوهٌ سوفَ تُبذَلُ للتّرابِ
و خصمٍ موقدٍ لشرار شرٍّ ،----- أمامَ مَعاشِرٍ خُزرٍ غِضابِ
أتحتُ له ، فأيقنَ ، إذ رآني ،----- بقانونِ الحكومَة ِ والخِطَابِ
يقولون لي ، والبعدُ بيني وبينها : ----- نأت عنك شرٌّ، وانطوى سببُ القُربِ
فقلت لهم، والسّرُّ يُظهِره البُكا:----- لئن فارقت عيني ، لقد سكنت قلبي
قَطَعتَ عُرَى ودّي، وخُنتَ أمانتي،----- و أبديتَ لي عتباً ، ولم تقبلِ العتبى
فيا رُبّ لَيلٍ لا يُرَجّى صَباحُه،----- تحملتُ فيهِ ما كرهتُ ، كما تهوى
فيا حَسرَتي إن رَدّ كفّيَ مانعٌ،----- فَقَصّرَها عمّا تحبُّ مِنَ الدّنْيا
وما بُغْيَتي في مِنّة ٍ لي أنَالُها،----- وأبلُغُها إلاّ نظرتُ إلى أُخرى
الموتُ من غادرٍ أعذبُ بهْ ----- يخدعني وعدهُ ، ومن ليَ بهْ
الهجرُ في فِعلِهِ ولحظتِهِ، ----- و الوصلُ في قوله وفي كتبهْ
متنقلٌ في الأنامِ يشركُ في الحـ -----ـبّ أُلوفاً ولستُ أَشرِكُ بهْ
يا غافلاً عن جواي يقلقني ،----- حَسبُ محبٍّ وأنتَ تَلعبُ بهْ
الشاعر العباسي
أبن المعتز

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Help - Temporary post.


I need help, I don't know what's wrong, whenever I browse this blog on IE, the header XZY and the body of the posts are so apart, and when I remove the tiny square counter underneath the Radioblog, the entire body disappears, none of the posts appear! Can any one help ?

By the way, I can browse normally on Firefox, that's why I highly recommend using Firefox while browsing this blog, or other blogs. However, honestly Internet Explorer SUCKS.

If you have the same problem with my blog, leave a comment.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Chickens Against Ants

Kingdom Tower by Jens Hartman
Kingdom Tower by Jens Hartman

BedTime's Quote[111]:
"Try to be the minority in times of war And be the majority in times of peace to avoid the most chaotic times of all" --[x] [Political-Understanding]

Political Status: Counter Attacks.
Psychological Status: Worried.

Tonight's Blacklist:
- in Chechenya,
The village Komsomolskoye destroyed by the Russians. [watch].
Warning: Some Disturbing Images in the video.
- Podcast: Keshk on Hafidh Alasad of Syria, Don't Ever forget history and believe his son, Bashar, today;


Chickens Against Ants.

O'People of Middle Earth,
Digging Tunnels and Holes,
And Building Thrones
Ants during Winter,
Collecting Seeds,
Sugers and Straws.
For a peaceful shelter
Surviving against a Harsh Nature...
Like Napoleon in Waterloo.

Our Kings, Our Leaders
ducking in the holes
That We dug!
Greedy like Wolves,
Howling at the full moon,
Escaping Reality,
And Hunting us down...
Like Chickens after worms
...Chickens Against Ants.
Inside a farm called "Arabian Sands"
A Somalian Famine in a green agricultural soil.
Not A famine of Nutritions! but Of Thoughts.
Inspired by [y].
Influenced by [z].

MyNote: The poem is about how rich The Arabian land is, But we like ants, we work for a lazy queen, but our leaders are like chickens, they eat get fat and die in a green rich soils among a huge famine of thoughts, not Nutritions.

Friday, August 18, 2006

The Dominoes Fall.

Autumnal Mist by Floriana Barbu
Autumnal Mist by Floriana Barbu

BedTime's Quote

"Don't let the environment overwrite your imagination, your intellectuality, and your belief, be the one who overwrites" --[x] [Social-Understanding].

Political Status: Sufi.
Psychological Status: Confused.

Note: While Reading, Play The audio below [Test].

The Dominoes Fall

Arabs reactions,
The Dominoes Fall,
Emotional Destructions,
Protests against Domination,
Freedom of Speech gains Damnations.
Logics, Knowledge, Thoughtful moments,
All faced Extinction.

A Precarious system, An Oligarchical Government,
Two Faces burn every salvation.
Satan waiting at our doors,
A caricature of Jihad! A Holy war, Free AlQuds!
A cliche Rises again the misconception.

An Allegiance to puppets, toys, plastic soldiers,
Wide TV screens instill thoughts into our eyes.
Blinded by a Chaotic Pride, Angered by humiliation.
All preclude the creation of a faithful nation.
The Aftermath of every line,
I have written, has a unique realization.
Influenced by [z].

Note: The poem: is about the Arab world reaction to the recent war in Lebanon, and how misled they can be within a month, and how they would forget all what just happened. They protested against their government Domination, they sought freedom of speech. However, logics, knowledge, and thoughtful moments were extinct by their huge emotional reactions which is destructive. Jihad was like a caricature, a cliche that drives Arabs and Muslims into misconceptions while their allegiance still to their puppets, and their Media still plant its chaotic thoughts. All these and more prevent them to have the nation they had a thousand year ago.

If you want the music played in the audio, just leave a comment and your Email.

Good Night Dear Readers.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Winners of The Devilish Wars.

National Faiph by Ghulam Yasin
National Faiph by Ghulam Yasin.

BedTime's Quote[109]:
" Sometime, a war, between Side A, and Side B, is not meant to solve their political and geographical problems, but to damage a third side, C" --[x] [Political-Understanding].

The Winners Of The Devilish Middle Eastern Wars.

The Political Conflicts:
I don't know who won really, I remember meeting this Salafi guy, or some of you might call him "Wahabi", in the beginning of the war, 2nd day, and he said "I know, where this war is going, it will end up by Hezbollah giving back the two soldiers, and the Israelis some prisoners, but after Hezbollah gains Arabs Publics support, and Israel destroys the Lebanese infrastructures"

At that time, I did not want to accept his view, since he was strongly opposing the Shia's Crescent spread-[Hezbollah + Iran + Iraq + Syria +East Saudia Arabia]. I did a lot of searches to find answers during the War, since I am a knowledge seeker and I don't like to depend on one source and be judgmental. When the war stopped, yesterday, and read the news that both Israel & Hezbollah agreed easily with the U.N resolutions and Israel is ready to negotiate with Hezbollah!. I was really shocked, and I said to myself "Well, maybe I should have saved my time and just believed the Salafi guy from the very first day, or maybe I am still wrong". And, I hope I am wrong.

Israel never accepts resolutions that easy, and you can see that in their current war in Gaza, which also started because of the kidnapping of the Israel soldier. I don't know if they give him back or not, and I did not see Israelis even cared to negotiate about their soldier. I know some of you will be like "What the hell is he thinking!" Well, I am just trying to know the truth. I support Hezbollah only politically, but the recent news is really puzzling. And, I think the real winner is Hezbollah politically.

The Religious conflict of this war gives more powers to The Shia's Crescent:

First: Many accused Saudi Arabia's Sunni scholars of being pro-Israelis and against Hezbollah, this gave bad reputations to the Saudi scholars. Even though Abdullah bin Jabreen's fatwa was false and he knew about it later, but it was too late to explain that it was not about Hezbollah in Lebanon. It was too late because the Media only focused on Sunni Scholars reaction and their fatwas to Hezbollah, which stereotyped them as Pro-Israelis or hypocrites, and most people already made their judgments toward those Sunni scholars.

Second: The Media has never focused on any major Shia scholar's fatwa for or against Hezbollah, but instead it focused on Shia Political views on Hezbollah. At this point, people were confused between politics and religion. For example, when a shia president, president of Iran, says He supports Hezbollah, that doesn't mean there's a shia's fatwa saying "The Doors Of Jihad is open to support Hezbollah". I did search a lot to find even one single fatwa permitting Jihad to help Hezbollah or to support them by a major Shia scholar such as Al-sestani. Therefore, The Media presented the war to look like religiously from Sunni perspective, and politically from Shia's perspective. And that's half the truth, and not fair media.

Therefore, People were really deceived politically under the name of religion, while others were deceived religiously under the name of politics. From both points. I conclude that in the Religious Conflict, the real winner is The Shia side definitely.

Now if we look at the big picture, since the war in Afghanistan against Taliban to the Operation Freedom Iraq to the recent war in Lebanon, who is the winner? And Who is the loser?
Written by [x].

Good Night Dear Readers.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Ahmedinejad's Blog.

BedTime's Quote[108]:
"A War is almost ended, both sides' politicians claim to be the winners. However, those innocents, who have been killed for no reason and by their political-ignorance, see no winners" --[x] [Political-Understanding]

Tonight's Blacklist: [Ahmedinejad's blog].
Well well, now Ahmedinejad, the Iranian president, has opened a web blog. Let's see how much he will say in there. To be honest, he is smart to open a blog, it's a good way to reach people any where in the World. His blog is in English, French, Arabic, and Presian. -- Read my comment to him, in his first entry in English, I hope he won't delete it. lol. News: in Arabic and English.

Good Night Dear Readers.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Bloody Wools.

Untitled by Taci Yuksel.
By Taci Yuksel.

BedTime's Quote[107]:
"Terrorism is a fly's fart,that's been so magnified by politicians and media to end up smelling like a nerve gas threatening an entire civilization" --[x] [Political-Understanding].

Political Status: Sufi.
Psychological Status: Hopeful

Bloody Wools.

Political borders;
Drawn and Redrawn,
Like, Writing Your name In the Sea Shores,
Erased by High tides,
Written by Low tides.

Political Flags;
Meaningful, Meaningless,
Colorful, Colorless,
Emblems, Symbols for them.
Historical, National.
Nothing Changes,
People still remain the same.

National Pride;
Posters, Hallow Leaders,
Traditions, Ancient Museums,
Swords, Rusted Weapons,
Castles, of clay and woods,
Tents, of silky wools.

...Facing the desert sands!
...Unrealising the full moon,
...Bright sky, at day time.
...And yet the truth isn't unfold.
...Let me be direct to you;
...Please stop believing in the geopolitical lines.
...All will be drawn and redrawn again,
...Like wrinkles on an old man's face.
...Blood Borders,
...Bloody fools,
...Keep swimming in the same toxic pools,
...Call it Independence, or Renaissance.
...Logically, political-stupidity,
...Eventually, You will realize who has been insane.
...My Words or your Saints...
Influenced by [z].

Note: The poem, it's written for AntiNationalism, and especially for Holes of Arabia -future topic I will write about - It's basically about one should not be fanatic toward the bordered box he is living in because those lines are like low and high tides, expands and shrinks, sometime it should exist, sometime it should not, nationalist countries are not constant, they change according to surrounding political and economical world, so be sensible, when I say "Your country should not exist" and never judge me for what I say, until you think of it deeply.

Good Night Dear Readers..

Friday, August 11, 2006

Written in My Eyes.

white umbrella by salih guler
White Umbrella By Salih Guler.

BedTime's Quote[106]:
"Don't ever judge others, don't ever have a great expectation about others, just listen to them, and be patient. Eventually, Time will shape your relationship with them"--[x] [Social-Understanding].
Written in My Eyes.

Love at its finest hour, Emotionally busy,
They all sawyed by her,
But she was none of the above,
like a lonely dove....
Ugly, but eventually pretty.

She ran down the stairway,
Asking about his promise,
The long awaited one...
She said:
"A poem for me?"
"You forgot again to write about me?"
"Didn't you?"

He smiled and said:
"Your poem is written in my eyes,
Its words float my heart,
Its meanings are invisible,
And it carries all the emotions,
One step closer
And you fall inside me forever.
Keep one step further,
And don't step over My shadow,
Because I can feel you behind my ears now,
Whispering another poem..."
Inspired by [y].

Note: The Poem: a conversation between [x] and [y], over a poem that [y] requested [x] to write for her.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Falls Before The Shadow.

The flavor of Sorrow,
A Heart embracing An Arrow,

The Man's fall is before his shadow.
A leaf's left its tree so shallow.

The Soul left him amazingly so narrow.
Not a horror show,
Just like A feather over a silky scarf
Slipping over a skin full of wounds.

Nothing is tastier than The death of a hero.
A hero's death to be told,
Told to generations to come;
Once Upon a time...
"a brave Man, at The fall of the shadow,
At a dark night that filled with whispers of the Owls.
An Arrow...Split Darkness into Fiction and Reality,
A war of a split of a second,
A blink of an eye.
A race of heart beats...

A hundred men surrounded him
A Hundred Souls Could not handle his sowrd.
He, Killed Ninety Nine Souls,
Except one, A coward,a fool...with
A bow and spears, an arrow and a sowrd, ..someone drawing his fate.
Shot his cowrdly arrow and spears from behind the falling leaves,
Smoothly gone,
like water through grooves...
like Feathers over Silks...
The Arrow in his heart, The spears in his shoulders,
They Made the Hero's Death;
a lesson,
a legend,
a myth,
a literature,
a theatrical drama,
a movie at the Cinema.
Learned, inspire, read, watched by millions of cowards..."

A coward never falls, but Shadows eclipse him.
like an ocean wave over shore.
Protective, but fragile...
Like a spider net at the full moon.

Let Time carve the hero's name, so maybe someone will become him,
A hero's fall should be before his shadow.
A clock hand never falls behind.
Never sees past again...
A brave for sure is to be a hero soon.
Influenced by [z].

Note: The poem is written for a hero's death, how it lasts throughout history, while coward's never lasts. The short story of the hero's death is about a brave man who faced 100 men, killed 99 of them, but a coward hidding behind a tree, killed him from the back with his arrow and spears. His death made him a hero, but the coward's survival made him only live longer-, but forgotten historically. The hero's death becomes a lesson to learn, a legend and a myth to inspire, literature to read, and movies to watch, all by us who are comparing to him are cowards. Just keep hoping that time will make that hero emerge again, while cowards always exist there, they are like sea shores facing ocean waves or like spider net, protective and fragiles. While the hero is like a clock hand, never sees the past again.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Rules of Boycott- Updated.

After the devilish Israeli Attack on Lebanon and Gaza, and the killing of almost 1000 civilians, most of them are children and women, I have to boycott them forever, and no turning back this time, no matter how long the Time will last to erase my memories. Many people want to boycott, but they can be very confused and unorganized on how to behave and make decisions. Most Boycotts don't last long because people boycott almost everything comes from an emeny, causing a consumer-gap, which means there will be no alternative for those products or the boycott happened fast and on many products in the same time. This causes the boycott power of people to be spread on many products instead of focusing on few products at a time, slow-boycott more effective than a sudden-one. Sometime, it's better to target the small branches of these Zionist companies then jump to bigger branches. I've written some rules, and I might update them if any one has an idea. They are the following.

The Rules to Boycott pro-Israel, Zionist, Products:
  1. You should visit this site.
  2. Pick a Zionist product, that you feel is easy to boycott, or the most related to Israel.
  3. Pick a product that you can find an alternative product for.
    Most of these products have alternatives, Non-Zionist produtcs.
  4. Enlist the products you want to boycott, and spread them to friends or neighbors to follow your steps.
  5. Work as a group, and try to encourage it in your community.
  6. You need to boycott the easiest target/branch in your city or area.
    1. The Easiest Target is any new branch of a Zionist company in your area such as new Starbucks branch, McDonald...Etc.
  7. Boycotting such easy targets can cause maximum damages.
  8. You don't need to boycott forever, One Month or more of boycott is enough to drive a new branch in your area to bankruptcy, or financial struggle.
  9. After the damage is done to the new and small branches, you can start with the bigger ones.
I hope these simple steps are easy to follow and apply. Myself, I am boycotting Starbucks, McDonald, and Coca Cola Products, although I am living in a non Muslim country, how about you who is living in Islamic country, I am sure you can cause a maximum damage. May Allah guides us all to the right path.
Update: ----> George Galloway's interview on Sky Sport, a Great Talker.

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Drive Thru Map.

BedTime's Quote[105]:
" Happiness comes without thinking, while saddness comes with all the thinkings" --[x] [Psychological-Understanding]

Blood Borders, The Drive-Thru Map.

The map was issued last month in the journal, Armed Forces Journal, I just did not pay so much attention to it to post it in here. Anyway, The writer of the article is Ralph Peters, a retired U.S Army Lieutenant Colonel. He is on Fox News and PBS sometime as a commentary on some military issues during wars. He is futuristic, and that map is just his prediction as a solution to the Middle East problems and it's in his book "Ever Quit the Fight". He admits though that the Sykes-Picot agreement did not really pay so much attention to the Middle East map the Blood Borders map, it's called Blood borders because it's based on ethnics groups [Kurds] and islamic sectors [Sunnah vs Shia], who have been conflicting and blood-shedding for ages. The map is pro-Israeli, as you can see it's showing that Israel will be the same and it will obey the international community, the UN, and will exist within borders of pre-1967, so tamed the Israelis are!! In my opinion, Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia will expand and won't shrink. UAE and Jordan will shrink. Bahrain and Kuwait will disappear. Oman might split into two. Ralph Peters wants Mecca and Madinah to be like Vatican, a religious state. That's just a dream of his tiny brain. If this is to be true, then I think it will be by the Holes of Arabia. Holes of Arabia is something I am going to write about soon, for now, have a nice day.

Extra: An Arabic Article on the Blood Borders map. Or another.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Child #28.

I have not slept for 24 hours, but I wrote this before I went to bed.

The Child #28.

Golden Spoons,
Rare Stones,
Knives Over Forks.
Leaders setting on a table,
Watching the news...
burning the world's fuze.
Like wax pouring on a wound.
Four stories High Building fell to the zero ground,
in Few seconds of an attack,
made the world witness;
A very devilish act.
A beast with no heart,
A vampire seeking blood.

...Children, dead,
...Pure souls escaped, Dirty Earth.
...Heaven adopted them,
....Dead women, met the angels.
Between their arms, a nation, a generation was gone.

And the dinner table's left full of food.
The leaders announced:
"It is no one's fault...
It's just a mistake
so please don't misjudge
We will open -an investigation,
And You all can resume the fight
Until we decide who was right,
to kill the child, who completed Twenty Eight".
Influenced by [z]

Note: The Poem is written for Qana massacre the second, about 60 dead, and 27 of them were children. The poem indicates that the leaders could not blame the criminal because they could not find who killed the child number 28, and that was their excuse for not accusing and punishing the evil. The actual number of the casualties is not known yet.

Political Status: Sufi.
Psychological Status: Recovering.

Good night dear readers.

Future post: The Rules of Boycott.