Monday, April 02, 2007


Almost married by Adnan Buballo
Almost Married by Adnan Buballo.

BedTime's Quote[140]:
"Today's inconsistent wide-spread Music, such as Hip-hop, is shaping the world youth's cultures such as clothing styles, social values, and languages. However, One as an individual should never let such things influence his mind. In fact, The only thing that should shape his world is his own open-minded creative visions toward life in accordance to his religion"--[x]

"Three beautiful things could kill you, love, peace, and power. Love is when you are blind by it, Peace is when you forget your enemies, and Power is when you ignore the existence of people and justice."--[x]

Today while I was going to the grocery store I read a sticker on a car, it was a quote by Napoleon Bonaparte, it says "Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich". I disagree or I might agree depending on the religion. However I prefer to rephrase it to "Secularism is what keeps the rich manipulating the poor". Napoleon's quote could be true in the case of the Bolshevik revolution that established the Soviet Union and was led by "atheists" communists such as Lenin. In other words, there was no religion to stop Lenin's followers to murder Tsar Romanov and his family of autocrats. I wonder what would stop Arabs from murdering their rich leaders in the future except America and its allies?!

Good night dear readers.


iamnasra said...

wow amazing stuff and idea you work on here ..keep them coing . you are making us think

Anonymous said...

I find you very interesting person.
Keep up practice your mental acrobatics. Hope you don't feel too lonely in you life.

Cheers :)

Adnan Buballo