Sunday, March 05, 2006

[o]'s Daily [20]

Note:I know many of you have missed [o], I didn't write much of him even though many many things have happened. Here's something happened 2 weeks ago, so enjoy.

[o]'s Daily
At School,
My [o] came to me laughing telling me something happened in his class in the morning.
So He told me the following:

Two [o]s were preparing for a speech to give in Class.
The first [o].1 would give a speech about His Country [KSA].
The Second [o].2 would give a speech about his Country [Oman].

[o].1 got in first to present his speech, he brought his laptop with PowerPoint Slides of his country's pictures. All the class were excited to hear about KSA so he ran the slides and started talking about his country, he was nervous little bit,

so he was pointing at the pictures slides and giving the speech:
"This is King Fahad"
"This is new king, Abdullah"
"This is Alfaisalia Tower"
"This is Riyadh"
"This is Saudi Flag"
"This is My Country"

The Teacher interrupted him and said "Excuse me but could you use more sentences forms rather than -This is- "

so he said "Ok, This is Desert, This is my custom"
The teacher went quiet,
He finished his speech,

The next [o].2 came.
He stood confident in front of the students ,
he picked up a chalk,
and said "In my country, you go left no problem, you go right no problem, you go straight no problem, Freedom"
He even drew the arrows with the chalk, left, right, and straight.
Actually, he even illustrated the left-right-straight concept with his hands movements.
Now the students were left puzzled wondering about what he said,
The Saudi [o]s were laughing.
,But The Korean and other [o]s were left speechless.

The End....90% based on true event.

For Previous [o]'s Daily, Visit nezitiC-Archive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehe sounds like a speech that I would give =)) Hate public speaking ..........