Thursday, November 30, 2006

Ewords Shaking The Thrones

Balance Act by Radi Polgo
Balance Act by Radi Polgo.

BedTime's Quote[128]:
"If we could obey our leaders as digesting stones and poisons and say it's delecious - then we might also be able to read letters as scents of roses, and look at pictures as musical vibrations, and hear music as cinematic visualizations -in another word synesthesia " --[x][Sociopolitical-Understanding]

Tonight's Fortune[6]:
"If you donate $5 tonight, you will meet five people in heaven"--[x]

Note:I wrote the following poem to present today's status of "writing what you think" in the Arab World, and how powerful writing can be, and it's our chance to use it to the fullest, the poem is specifically written for any anti-nationalist out there.

Ewords Shaking The Thrones

An Army of A million sharp Words.
Shakes A Thousand Leaders Thrones.
Translates Their Zillion Constitutions
To "Meaninglessness".
To "Emptiness"

It's unleashed From
A Mind of a million magnetic thoughts.
From A faithful Soldier,
Who defeats his enemies,
And Nukes,

...Sharp Words Cover the sun,
With shades from Blue to Red,
The Shadows Of Unity descends upon them
All this could happen,
With his powerful tool,
The pen...
Influenced by [z]

Good Night Dear Readers


Anonymous said...

Can I donate $10? I want to meet 10 people in heaven,

1) Walt Disney
2) Brandon Lee
3) Elvis
4) Dean Martin
5) Ned Kelly
6) My grandfather
7) Albert Einstein
8) Steve Irwin
9) Marie Curie
10) and the guy who invented bread

"the Arab World, and how powerful it is," you mean how powerful it was.....

iamnasra said...

Very powerful poem..Thanks

iamnasra said...

I hope all is okay with you...Just quick hallo from me