Monday, December 18, 2006


"Battle of Abukir" by Antoine-Jean Gros, 1806.

BedTime's Quote[131]:
"Love is a tiny key that unlocks many doors of hates, sadly it gets lost easily" --[x] [Social-Understanding].

My Note:
An Antinationalist's thought,

A Fallen Seed That Causes A thunderous Echo.
The Islamic world is in a status of cultural shock, they just realized how advance the rest of the world has been, and how It's been looking down at and being ignorant about our religion. It's like a supernova explosion in the universe, its end is witnessed on Earth after millions of years. So is us, ,The rest of the world is the same in our eyes. Today, we realized the aftermath of their scientific, social, agricultural, and political revolutions. We regret, we find glorifying our history as another way to escape reality, like a drunken man saddened by his dead wife. A mockery over our faith causes a million men march, destructions in the streets of the west and angers over cartoons & theatrical plays mocking our faith under the name of freedom. While in fact, all these have been done over and over again since the beginning of the Islam, we were just ignorants and blind to realize it. This is exactly how we see the supernova in the sky, a star's death is someone else's beauty and inspiration, and another's violent blind reaction of sorrows and regrets.

Good night dear readers.

1 comment:

sweetness said...

In islamic world, muslims used to say we're muslims if they are doing their prays and fasting during ramdhan.And throwing out every single tenets which the western used to applied instead of us ( muslims) !
SO,when we come and see how advance they have been we have no place to regret.Because it's our hands made !