Sunday, December 24, 2006

Change and its Victim.

Loozer by Loft Portugal
Loozer by Loft Portugal

BedTime's Quote[132]:
"Any and Every Change in our society has its victims"--[x] [Sociopolitical-Understanding].

AntiNationalist's Thought:
A Change or Its Victims?

Every change we seek or witness in our society has its victims, from the increase of employment to tax rates, gas prices, positive or negative economical growth. Every thing we see that changes always leave some victims, especially in societies that have high rate of disorders. Imagine, a society as being an Utopian one, any change in it, especially a positive one, it wouldn't leave any victim because there is no bad people in such dreamlandish Utopian society to be affected by such change, only one side will benefit which is the good side. If it's bad change it would not happen any way because Utopians always tend to choose the right change. In our realistic society, The rise of employment rate causes loses of jobs to the outsourced ones. Lowering tax rate causes better living but a more consuming society. Removing a dictator might increase the rate of freedom, but also can cause more chaotic society and a civil war. A change is determined as good or bad by calculating its positive side vs negative side. Either one there are still some victims.

The main point is, people always find it hard to accept, realize, and understand a change in their societies because they get confused by the victims reactions, behaviors or the numbers and amount of victims caused by this change. The increase of prostitution might look like a change in society, but those more like victims of a change, in such a case, people are confused to identify the change and its victims...etc good night dear readers-yawns, sorry.

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