Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A Message to ArabMen

A message to TheArabMen.

You feel pain,
But you don't know its name.
You experience fear,
But you don't know its origin.
You want to cry,
But it's shameful to show tears!
You need a hug,
But it's weakness to ask for one!
You hold her hands,
But everyone starts staring at you
Like you held a cow with no milk!

You doubt your belief,
But you don't know its cause.
You trust liars,
Because you can't judge their hearts.
You are addicted to the TV,
But It hates your traditional belief.
It teaches you how to kiss your wife,
But at night you got a slap!
You like to watch Romantic movies,
Because at the end of day,
You go telling your wife;
"Dear, Titanic looks like you
except it sank within hours
but you within a second"
How Romantic You could be!

You try to look like Brad Pit,
So you impress other women,
But unfortunately you end up looking like;
"A weird-looking Banana plant with Onions as its fruits"
You thin your eyebrows,
and whiten your skin,
But for god's sake,
All Cows in the farm,
Shockingly Started to think you are Dolly the sheep.

You hang a colorful flag in your walls,
or a figure of a bacteria!
Oh Yes It's Your great nation's flag,
But you never know who made it at all.
Don't worry at least,
it's surely "Made in China"

You are so proud of your tribal nation,
But You can't even tell the difference,
Between Religion and Traditions.

You worship God over the seven skies,
But you worship Money in seven banks underground.
Even though you might only make 800$ a month
You preach religion of peace,
But at night your actions make people speech-l.e.s.s.

Dear Arab men,
Stop Acting like
You are knowledgeable of everything,
You claim you know western music,
But The last song you downloaded was "Fifty Cent's"
The Last book you read was"How to make an Arab man smart in 10 days"
The Last documentary you saw was "Addicted to Rice And Women"
Your role model is "Che Guevara" or "Alzeer Salim"
At the most controversial point it would be "Jamal Abdulnassir"
The last political view you adopted was "Death to America"
And the first and last man you fear was "Your King"
You seek freedom of speech,
but when money talks
You love to be speechless.
..You know Dear Arab men,
This message is directed to
All men from various slices of our society.
And trust me,
The last song I heard was
"The saints are coming"

Note: This message is written to describe how Arab "men" behave in their societies, the message is directed to all Arab men from all different countries it's not directed to specific ones, others might dislike what they read, but it's not entirely describing one person, in fact at least two lines of this message match one Arab man's behaviors.

Good Night dear readers.


Toxic_Honey said...

nice ! loved it

IntI said...

صح لسانك
lovely poem keep it up

Anonymous said...

this is just soo true !
especilly the part about relegion and tradition.. nmore bs i cnt remmeber...