Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mocking Life-System[12] + BTQ[168]

12 Hours of Work
12 Hours of Work by [x]

BedTime's Quote[168]:
"The Material world prices are increasing, while the Spiritual World is going low, many souls have become worthless, and a drop of oil equals everything" --[x].

Mocking Life-System[12]:

-Bahraini Riots is when people think that their kingdom is as big as USA and it is really capable of solving its problems alone.
-Omani Riots is when people get slapped and spanked and go back home to sleep quietly like nothing has happened.
-Saudi riots never exist, because the king says so.
-Palestinian Riots is when people shout and scream until their throats bleed and their lands become sandy and rockless, but still could not wake up one Arabic president from his asleep.
-American Riots is when people realize that they have mistaken again, and the tax rate has been changed.
-Danish Riots is when Muslims are on News.
-Dutch Riots is when people go naked and lay down in streets and call it - white protest! and it's part of their "freedom"
-Indian and Pakistani riots is when people all shout and scream after one man, without knowing what the real problem is.
-Chinese Riots is when you see dead and burned bodies in the streets, you realize that something existed before.
- In Russia riots never happen because their TV never show the truth.
- In the rest of Arabia riots are daily routines enjoyed by the kings and remote-controlled by imperialists.
- In Africa, the word Riot doesn't exist in their dictionary, instead they use "Civil war" which almost equals to rioting.

Therefore, let's riot over bread prices, rice prices, oil prices, but in the end it will not change the fact that we only riot when their oppression does almost cause our death, which in return it is our natural human reaction to act for survival. I wonder when will we riot for more knowledge, more justices, more rights, more anti-alcohol laws, anti interest rates - reba2... Riot for the child who never had education, a man who can't get married, or a woman who can't get a job, or for more books to be translated to Arabic.

Good night dear readers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very well put.