Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Open Source Ideology.

Open-source ideology is an ideology that can be updated by more knowledgeable people by adding more analysis and economical,political, social, and religious details or studies. As long as it follows basic principles, those principles are still being added by me and another to the paper, which I will publish later. The Open Source Ideology can be any ideology that's made by a united community, this community is usually a minority that tries to make a change in any society . My Open Source Ideology that I am working on is AntiNationalism, and now it's on update#3. [x] and another [g] have added so far 32 Principles.

Political Statue: Underground
Psychological Status: Tired, Patient.


Prometheus said...

Very interesting.
Unfortunately, we are still promoting nationalism in our political and intellectual discourse. This happens at a time when other nations realized long time ago the countless evils resulting from nationalist thoughts.
Hitlerite Germany is just an example.

Thanks Nez.

. said...

Hey, Prometheus, How Are You doing?...
What you said is 100% right. Europe is trying to unite itself, and also Eastern Europe is realising slowly that being an independent country is not really helpful, countries like Albania, Moldova,...etc, where Independence didn't give them freedom but also a bad economy and corruption.


Prometheus said...

That’s true Nez.
The same is true for some Arab countries, which have adopted Arabism as their own political ideology.
Dictatorship, corruption, oppression, Cult of personality and you name it.
It is ok for us to be proud of our own Arab culture. But I am against nationalism based on ethnic superiority.