Monday, October 09, 2006

The World without A Crutch.

Bloom by Armindo Dias
Bloom by Armindo Dias.

The World without A Crutch..
A Nation overwhelms my Brain,
And I try to withdraw..
A Nuclear Attack,
I panic, I freak,
My Soul at the edge of a heart attack...
What a depressing fact...

A Bulldozer runs over the ghettos.
I turn into green and blue,
I can't decide where to go,
I become a refugee,
to live free....

The Solar System,
A Star, and its Planets,
A government and its b*tches.
A lover and his wishes....
...I write a love letter at midnight,
Thinking they would sound different
When the world goes out of sights...Blind.
...I write a wish over a Maple leaf every noon,
..I wrote
"I wish to be you"
"I wish you not to be me"
"I wish I was there"
"And I wish there was Me"

No Time to think of a Romantic letter,
When my nighebor's streets filled with them,
Pollutions, Corruptions,
Humans to Animals going through

Guns, Rifles, Tanks, Warcrafts,
The World will still be at peace,
As long as, there's no Ammo.
....And I withdraw..
From this field of juggernauts.
Influenced by [z].

Note: Poem written in little bit different style, I usually don't like to use "I's". "I" in this poem refers to a refugee who escaped his country, and fell in love, but eventually he realized, his love is and the world around him can't let him think clearly.

Good Night.

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