Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Dead Bullets Necklace

Small People by Francisco Pinto
Picture by Francisco Pinto

Driving My Tank,
Down A Street,
Covered by
broken bones,
broken hopes,
and lost souls.

Waving My flags,
White, Red, and Blue.
For freedom, I called.
Behind their backs, I called them fags.
Wearing a helmet,
White and Brown,
A skull and bones
Camouflaged the fear,
That was drawn between my eyes,
But No Disguise with God over the seven skies.

Darkness coming Tonight,
Holding tight,
My Machine Gun,
Angel Of Death,coming so straight
to my heart.
Looking down the street,
My fingers on the trigger,
Shaking, trembling,
O'Jesus, Holy Spirit,
Save Me Now...

It was only;
A woman holding A child,
A Woman, who lost all her tears,
A child, who never knew how to read,
Skinny like the horizon between day and night.
I was hit by a stone,
by the unknown,
My ears bleeding,
Oh, Justice lost its sound,
I was Shooting Randomly of fear,
I Shot An old man,
My bullets went through his lung,
Ended His last words of a religious song.
"Submission is..."
An Old Man, who was grown up by wars,
Breathed Nuclear Ash, and fed on Red Cross.
A destroyed tank was his home,
beside a bloody shore.
Dead Bullets a necklace he wore,
A protection from a political curse!,
He thought.

Darkness is gone now,
Day has come,
And Justice was dead
Killed by me,
so ashamed.

I was a soldier.
Fought for a flag,
Yes I did,
And I bid,
And was killed by
The old man fate,
The woman mourning,
and her child ignorance,
What an innocent..
For a second,
To me, they didn't worth one cent.

My Machine gun,
melted by the Sun,
On the graves of those, whose sons,
I shot to death.
For A flag,
That never spoke of good or bad.
Burn The flag,
Burn The flag,
Burn The flag,
Because I can't shoot anyone any more to death.
Democracy is a demon with no head.
...And Destiny met its End
Influenced by [z]

Note: About a soldier talking about his experience in Iraq, and confessed of his mistakes. I imagined being him, so I wrote this, lyric or poem, whatever fits best. This poem does not mean to offend any nation but to express a soldier's feelings.

Good Night Dear Readers.

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