Tuesday, February 07, 2006


BedTime's Quote:
" Politics have never been funny throughout History until Ahmadinejad showed up" --[x] [Political-Understanding] [Read]

Note: Finally, tonight I saw "Sex Slaves" on PBS, It was really sad, I wrote a poem about it last month, "A Sinful Trade", You can watch some videos and read the interviews, which I saw today on PBS on - their site - And you can have a Live Chat with the producer Tomorrow Wed Feb 8th, At 11:00am ET -5GMT, on this site. If you have a weak heart, don't watch it, don't read it, just ignore it, and pretend the Earth is still beautiful, which I would prefer to do sometime because it's really sad thing to read and watch, just be thankful.

A poem: Of A Man And The Fog. [Saved as A draft]
BriefWord[12]: Sunnah vs Shia under AntiNationalist views [UnWritten yet]

Good Night Dear Readers.

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