Friday, February 24, 2006

A Message to Dear Alien[3]

Dear Alien:
Long Time No see,
A 100 light years away
You lay,
I missed you dear friend,
Last time we met in Area fifty One.
Since then Many things have happened.

I learnt last time
You told me,
That you had a civil war.
It was over Water and Underwears.
Fortunately, Your war was ended,
By giving Free Underwears to the press,
And Stopped polluting the environment with water!

Here On Earth.
Human kinds always
Tend to fight
Before even the stars go bright.
In Iraq,
A civil war almost began,
A Normal event,
In the Iraqis History.
It's like A Valentine's Day,
Except theirs is a violent one,

A Clash of civlizations exploded
People got flooded,
Skies bled,
Few Fled,
A clash of Cartoons,
More It was.

You know Dear Alien,
In Iran people drawing Jews,
And Making fun of them.
In Denmark people drawing Islam,
And making fun of it.
Reminds me of you
How you used to draw
With your laser gun
My face on the northern star.
With a funny look,
A jupiterian look.

Google went to China,
And ate Chinese food,
Now they know nobody
No "Don't be Evil"
Now "Don't be ilLegal"

Bush is missing you
Last time he said to me:
" Hey [x], tell Your Friend we are winning the war on terror"
It's funny you know,
"War on Terror"
Is grammatically wrong,
A terrifying grammatical mistake.
And Thanks to the blogger "Have Skunk"
He taught me English at least.
And Sorry for Bush,
The Republican Shakespeare.

Osama Bin ladin hates you
According to Fox News,
But on Aljazeerah,
Everything is bad except The Arabian gulf.
Osama said to me:
"Kill the Infidels even if they are from planet-x"
You became an infidel too, Dear Alien.
Congratulation for the honor!

Anyway I should end this now,
Because the FBI is waiting me outside,
They are saying to me:
"Your Freedom of Speech is over limit,
And You exceeded the allowed Bandwidth for this month"

Therefore, Dear Alien,
You should visit me again,
You know, I can't visit your planet,
Because you know,
Bush doesn't give much money to NASA,
It's all gone to The Pentagon.
Plus, There you breath H2,
And I can't,
And You breath the Two.
Visit me,
I promise Earth will be different until then.
Hopefully, I won't be in Prison for God's Sake.

Previous A Message to Dear Alien[2]


Anonymous said...

LOL! I've seen people talk to the moons, to the stars and to the skies, but to an alien ?? I couldn't help but laugh when I first read it (& I ROFL when I got to the last paragraph).. a very good piece though.. very brief yet sharp summary of the world's latest insanity ;-) I hope this doesnt keep your alien away from us earthlings :P

. said...

Oh Yes, When I feel lonely, I write to Dear Alien. Better than writing for the moon or stars or a lonely camel in desert-[x].

Thanks for stopping by. :)
