Friday, February 03, 2006

Boycott Ourself First.

White by Umit Varli

BedTime's Quote[69]:
"We can't make mistakes or be misunderstood any more because we must fear History" --[x][Political-Understanding]

Boycott Ourself First

I need to say something in respond to Libya boycotts Denmark or Muslim World in general. It makes me more believe that most of these boycott things are used to serve political agenda in some Arabic countries, especially to serve those leaders by using the innocent press emotional reaction. I couldn't judge the situation, I took time analysing it, and being patient, I can't let my emotion explode all of a sudden, we are tought to be patient by Sunnah and Quran.

I remember this speech by Keshk, he gave this speech during 1980s, I think it was in 1984, not sure. He said Many things happened to Muslims but they didn't do anything. Even worse things had happened, but they didn't give a big reaction. Some of the events are:

- The British Prime Minister Gladstone during the 19th Century, once said, in meaning, in the British parliament, "How can we get rid of This Quran from Muslims?" One of the members jumped in, and tore the Quran apart, Gladstone said "That's possible, but we should rip it from their hearts first". Gladstone was well-known of being Anti-Islamist. However, Still Islamic World trust and have relations with UK. It's like nothing happened in the past, the problem Muslims tend to forget the fastest of all Species on Earth.

- The Soviet Union crimes against Muslims in Chechnya, Kazakhstan, south of Yemen and Afghanistan and more. They forced muslims to eat pork, married non Muslims, and burned Qurans. Even after the Fall of the Soviet Union, Russia is still almost the same toward Islam. And, still There are Muslims countries having relations with Russia despite of what they did to Muslims. Materialism makes some forget their past. If the same happened to a Jew, they would get a full benefit before they forgot.

- The Libyan president Mo-amar AlQathafi criticized the prophet many times, but nobody has paid attention, nobody boycotted Libya. Because, he is an Arab, if he was not an Arab nor Muslim he might be boycotted. I will write in BriefWord[11] something indirectly related to this called "Nationalistic Sunni or Nationalistic Shia".

- Jamal Abdul Nasser, President of Egypt, in his prisons, he prisoned many brotherhood members, they used to torture them and insult their religion, and step on their Quran and so on, while Egyptian communists had even more rights than those Muslims.

- Ba'athi Party, the one in Iraq and Syria were both founded by a guy called Meshail Aflaq, He was anti-Muslim, he was a puppet, Reagan sent him to Middle East. He was a history teacher. One day he said "Mohammed was not a prophet but a gang leader".

Question: Where were we when all these happened?
Answer: We were busy drawing borders, dividing Oil's wealth., and pretending to confront Israel.

- Check this Out to widen your eyes Dear Muslims: The Prophet Images Throughout History

- I remember once, watching South Park, and the episode was about Super Heros or something, and one of them were Mohammed, and he was fighting a monster with Moses, Jesus, Buddah, and Vishnu. I was so offended, but I saw no reaction in the Muslim World! that's because nobody talked on Tv, Media plays a big role in influencing the muslims public. I was sad, since then I don't really watch South Park, not even Comedy Central that much any more.

- Now Muslims are busy boycotting Denmark. They forgot all the past in one second, and trust me, they will forget this one again.

- Finally,You have to listen to this, it's in Arabic, sorry dear English Reader: Keshk's Speech [1MB] , And I conclude that it's better to boycott our leaders first be cause they do sometime worse things than non-muslims do.

In Conclusion, I will boycott Denmark, Only If I see our Arabic Leaders on TV giving us a live Speech telling us how angry they are and defensive and offended toward what happened, but watching them recalling and calling back and forth their ambassadors is just a political game, I might even think that one of these leaders is drinking Suntup right now, or eating some Danish cheese, while they are watching Muslims protesting on their big Plasma Screen Tvs.
-Many will disagree with me, but in the end, we are all humans, we make mistakes, and build solutions.

Related Topic: BriefWord[10]

Edited by [x], 3.2.06

Good Night Dear Readers.

Please Listen to Keshk's Speech


Prometheus said...

No, you are absolutely right.
Though I doubt the credibility of Keshk’s tale on Aflaq. I believe that some political Islam groups, such as Muslim brotherhood and of course Keshk was one of them, tend to exaggerate things to foment hatred and promote division between Muslims and other religions for purely political reasons. Their tool to achieve their goals is the masses who are being mobilized and charged with all kinds of religious inflammatory rhetoric to control people and embarrass government.
The cartoon story has been greatly overblown. Had we not publicized it this way, no one would have talked about it today. And like I said before, Muslims should embark on a soul searching process and should admit their mistakes and realize that they themselves have done a lot of harm to their faith through acts of violence and ignorance.

. said...

Hey prom, thanks for stopping by, Well Keshk went to Prison for the brotherhood, I am not for the brotherhood though, but according to his interview i listened to and his speeches He doesn't really seem for brotherhood. and he didn't do anything for his political agenda, he was very rightful in his speeches, he might be exaggerating sometime maybe because of his strong Arabic language, and in fact, that's the best way to give a speech I believe, much better than any Arabic President's speech. He did not want to rise hatred and promote divison between Muslims for political reason at all, in fact he was not against Shia in his speeches, nor any sunni group. He was against other religions but he was not fanatically against them but more logically. I listened almost to all his speeches. And his Goal was not the masses at all, he did not even achieve anything to change any government, he died after publishing more than 190s books. I think during his time the 1980s, Arab World was just so ignorant even worse than Today. Even during 1970s.

I know maybe u didn't really mean Him , maybe others use that to control others, those islamic groups are no different than Arabic governments who try to pick on something bad the west does to us to get more supports from the masses. I'll write something on that in SocioPoli-Logics[2].

Salam... Thanks Again for your comment :).

Prometheus said...

Thanks Nez.
I appreciate your insightful comment.
Perhaps you are right in what you said about Keshk.

. said...

NAmeless: Your comment even give better conclusion on when u would boycotting.

Prom: You r welcome, still reading ur blog :D.

. said...

It's hard to react normally to this issue when you are living among a society that all call for boycotting and so on, it's really hard to think clear, I know they used voilence demanding An Apology then what? very strange they are...
Thanks for your comment :) Salam.

. said...

Oh Obscured. You said alot mashallah, I wanted to add more and more, but there are alot of things to be said. I visited a very disturbing blog against muslims becoz of what happened. I can't give its link. no need.

. said...

I totally agree with him, he is right we didn't spread the message enough. I didn't sleep yet. writing Briefword[11].


Edward Ott said...

Fantastic article, i really look forward to reading more of your stuff.

. said...

Most my writings are archived here. Mr.Edward. Thanks for your comment

Anonymous said...

I dont know why the cartoon bothered me so much when I'm not even Muslim. I guess being around Muslims so much has taught me exactly what Mohammed PBUH is to them, a great prophet. I dont think boycotting would solve anything, nor are all these riots that are happening all over the world. I think Islam is the Religion that is least known about to non- muslims. Its the least understood, here in Australia anyway. However it doesnt excuse the actions of the Danish moron. Also like I mentioned in another friends blog how unfairly muslims are being treated for the actions of Osama Bin Laden and terrorists. How in a recent survey 79% of teenagers across Australia thought muslims were terrorists, I wrote a letter to the editor to the Herald Sun, I dont know if they published it or not.....

. said...

Thanks for your effort, And understanding. ^_^