Tuesday, January 17, 2006

BTQ[58] + BriefWord[9]

Pic Taken by [x]

BedTime's Quote:
" Buddhism is the most peaceful religion, but in reality, it's the most victimized one. It functions only in temples, but in Social Scales, it falls apart" --[x][Religious-Understanding]

Yes I have reached the extreme, and there's no turning back again, climbing higher or falling harder"--[x][Political-Understanding]

The Arab World, The Silly World.

The Middle East, The messy dusty World, full of wars, full of religions and useless presidents. Its Citizens are very much proud of themselves, and each one loves his country to death. Each one claims to and argues that s/he lives in the best country, city, society, language as Arabic slang, history or a historical figure, food, president, and even national anthem! Yes dear Readers, even the national anthems They sometime argue about. The Middle East countries' societies are just fanatically indirectly unfeelingly nationalist.

For example, in close social view, people, who are from different countries, argue about food, like the Lebanese would say "Hey Lebanese food is the best" , while the Egyptian would say "No Egyptian food is the best!", or a Kuwaiti guy would say to an Omani guy "Hey Kuwaiti's national anthem sounds better than the Omani's" The Omani would reply and say "Oh Yeah, But Oman has much better history than Kuwait does", an endless, ignorant, and pointless argument, its end is a fight, or mad faces with hates within, sometime the end is cursing or even they end up cursing each another's family. Furthermore, They argue sometime about A historical figure, like saying "No Ahmed bin Majid is Omani" Another would say "No he is from UAE!" For God sake, the guy is dead! When? Almost 5 centuries ago.

That's how fanatical Arabs can be with their Nationalist Thinking. It's true that most Arabs don't know what their thinking is, they don't even know that it's called Nationalism. You know what that means? It means a successful propaganda their governments achieved. To Brainwash, or to make them without an IDentity. Let's say it's just an ID being tattooed in their brains slowly until they are grown up they will just function according to that ID, which the governments installed.

On Arabs TV, There are 10000...+[n+1] infinite number versions of MTvs. In USA, at least there's only one main MTv that controls the brain of the youth, and let them be interested in certain things that MTv chooses to broadcast or not. While in the Middle East, there are many of MTVs each one tries to prove that it has the better music, prettier girls, and for sure newer useless stupid lyrical songs. They are trying to make musical shows, concerts lives on TV and make Arab citizens awake late night just to vote for their favorite singers. And Guess what!, even in such competition Arabs again argue about who is the best and the worst, plus if the voting process was fair or not!. In The end The GSM[Cell Phones] companies are making the money and benefiting.

For Example, they had a competition on who is the best singer in the Arabian Gulf countries. Now Saudis would vote for a Saudi singer, Omanis for an Omani singer, Bahrainis for a Bahraini singer and so on regardless of the quality of the singers. That's how it was mostly with some exceptions. Now, even in such a silly thing Nationalism occurred, when the Bahraini won for example, and the Omani one lost, they started arguing and so on that someone must have cheated, Saudis supported Bahrainis because they didn't like the Omani, for example...Etc. Sometime even Officials from governments got in to solve these disputes, like what happened in the show called Star Academy.

The Middle East is not only messy dusty World, but also Nationalistically Silly! One of the common arguments Middle Easterners have is that each one argues that his president is the best in the Arab world or even in the World. This argument's end is with a conclusion each side brings that Each Of the two sides' presidents is an Infidel, or an American Puppet, or Weak, or not good looking. Logically, sometime it's better to have a president who is ugly but treating his people better than the one who looks good and talks good but he's treating people unequally. Maybe sometime it's better to have a president who commits sins within himself but does really good job equally for his people than another, who is fanatically religious, but treats his people like Cows living in a Maasai tribe.

Now, as Arab Citizens, Can't they just stop all these useless, silly, pointless, disimproving, dark-aging, and cow-mooing arguments!? If, and I wish "IF" exists someday, Arabs think of their lame situation, and how bad their image is becoming in the world, and start thinking of something more powerful ideologically, something to unite them. Something that will make them stop for a second from thinking that they are Arabs!, but first of all they are only human beings with a monotheistic religion.

The Reason they should think that way is that According to their current thinking and How their Arab World exists, the universe should have more than one center and one center should have subcenters, and each subcenter should have other sub-subcenters! Oh This is complex. Well, to Arabs it's simple, just take a map, and start drawing lines, and these lines in reality might split a tribe in the middle of the desert, but anyway who draw the lines don't even care. Money and tribal power always are the most important things to care about. Right after finishing drawing the lines simply, Flags, Passports, National Anthems, and Governments are made! Even though they are from the same society and history, Arabic one! They still stay apart, that's how their World has many centers with many subcenters and sub-subcenters.

The Conclusion here is that, this Arab World must be redrawn geographically, ideologically and politically. At least, Make it more attractive and interesting pure from all those silly, useless, pointless cow-mooing arguments about whose National Anthem is better? Or Whose President is good-looking? Or Which Country has the best artists?. I didn't reach the main point I was trying to reach, but slowly I will so maybe in the next BriefWord.

Note: This Article might be edited later by [x] for reviewing
Previous BriefWord[8]

Good Night Dear Readers.


Anonymous said...

BriefWord ... I wonder what does it really mean :)

X .... many things in the Arab world need to be changed and even totally deleted ... but the main point that Arab has to work on is the Arab Nationality rather than the countries nationality ! .. if Arab agreed on this point all their problems will be solved.

Anonymous said...

Brief word! that what it means it is not really brief though hehe.

What do you mean by Arab Nationality and Countries Nationalities?!
Thanks for the comment.


Anonymous said...

Ok ..I knew what does it mean .. I just was wondering what does it mean for you :P

What I meant by Arab nationality is when anyone will ask any Arab person about his/her nationality it will be Arabi .. rather than Emarati, Omani, Saudi ....
At least this is what I think !

Anonymous said...

that's still not acceptable, because that's called Arabism or Arabic-Nationalism it was around during 1950s to 1970s ..Even the Arab League is just part of that movement.

. said...

I totally agree with you, I tried to avoid religion in the writing just to make the point even clearer. And to make it their thinking look even logically wrong. Sometime It's hard to convince someone if we jump to the conclusion without going to it slowly indirectly.

And I still agree with you
Especially the #4 ignorance :).


Anonymous said...

They didn't do it the right way in the 1970's as they were more about who to be the boss as you said rather than working for the unity of Arab world !