Tuesday, January 31, 2006

BTQ[67] + [o]'s Daily[18]

BedTime's Quote:
Wondering, If we can also boycott Arab Leaders beside the Danish products because that will be great" --[x][Political-Understanding]

Political Status: Buddhistical.
Psychological Status: Calm, Patient, Missing.

InfoBlog: Sadeem [Arabic Blog]

Note: I am tired of writing although I want to write many things. I want to play soccer again, I haven't played for 2 months and the league is coming soon. [o] is doing fine, he is my son now,hehe. You want to hear something about [o]?
Ok I will tell you.

[o]'s Daily[18]:
Sunny and warm.
I was with [o] outside at school, he saw a girl:

He said "Hey I know this girl"
I said "Who is she?"
He said "Her name is Oor"
I said "Huh, Are you sure?"
He said "Yes"
I went quiet, then I said to myself "How the hell did he get to know her!".
then suddenly he called her name loudly "OOR OOR"
it sounded like "Wh*re Wh*re",
I went silent, sigh, hopeless.
When he came back to me,
I said "You know what you just called her ?"
He said "Yeah OOR OOR"
I said " Nevermind"

The End. 100% true story.

Previous [o]'s daily[17]
Read These ones below to get to know [o]
Old Ones-->[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8-9-10][11][12] [o]'s Symbol

Good Night Dear Readers.


Anonymous said...

may be she was one of the Russian girls that he used to chat with!!... :)hehehe and he called her to show u the proof that he know her :D, ur son is so lovely.

. said...

i dont know any russian girl with a name Oor!