Friday, January 27, 2006


BedTime's Quote:
"A thousand moods in a second of time is a women hard to define" --[x][Social-Understanding]

Political Status: On Treaty.
Psychological Status: Mental-Blocked, Patient.

RadioBlogList[8]: The Movie Fight Club, a speech by Brad Pitt, Part of it:
"We have no Great War, no Great Depression. Our Great War is a spiritual war. Our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised by television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars"
InfoBlog: The Zephyr and I [Poetry Blog]

This week's been really boring although I wrote, thought and brainstormed a lot. I want to write something, I have the ideas, but sometime If I don't have a good way to knot my ideas and represent them in a good way, which then a reader won't get offended with my extreme solutions or even get confused. Then, I have this Mental-block, where it leaves me empty, but full. Empty of creativity, and full of ideas.

I haven't watched Tv News for four days now. Only yesterday, I saw on Tv and read some Forums that Hamas won the election in Palestine. And they started conflicting with each other somehow like Fatah with Hamas and so on. That's just how stupid The Arab World is. Then All people get busy about it on this News. I didn't even bother about it, just another political tidal wave to hide another's crimes televesionally.

I prefer to sit back, and observe closely, then try to find the real problem in us, not them [the West]. It's always better to look at yourself before looking at others. It's always better to look inside the box before looking outside it. When questioning an orbiting object behavior in Space-time, it's always better to observe the reason and cause of its behavior, scientists observe the objects around it, and how they interact to each other to come up with a conclusion of what causes such behavior. There's always something centering all the problems, and all these problems interact with each other in the fabric of social network. Exactly like how an object bends the space-time fabric causing other objects to misbehave in Space.
Open Source Ideology.

Good Night Dear Readers

1 comment:

. said...

I don't remember a thing too, it must be during 1920s to 30s! .

The Fight Club, if you want it, i will send it to u.