Wednesday, February 15, 2006

[o]'s Daily[19]

[o]'sDaily [19]

At Night,
Cold and dry,

After a tiring day.

I, [o], and [i] were in the car on our way home.
[o] said to [i]: "You know On weekend, I want to go out, home always, home is boring"
[i] said: " Well, then what do you want to do?"
[o] said: "I want to go downtown I don't know what there"
I went quiet,talking to my mind "Yeah right he doesn't know what they have there"
[i] said: "Oh, they only have bars and clubs"
[o] said: "I don't know maybe, but my friends always go there, I don't know why"
I was like "Oh god, he pretends like he doesn't know at all what there is"
I said to [o]: "Well, Home is boring, but You can't go there you don't have a car, and Buses stop working at 7 am"
[o]: "Oh I see, but I take a taxi"
[i] said: "Yes But why do you want to go there? It's not good for an underage person"
[o] said: "Just I want to go out, not always home home home, I AM HUMAN!"
Me and [i] went quiet then said "HUMAN? SO WE ARE NOT HUMANS BECAUSE WE DON'T GO DOWNTOWN!"
[o] said: "Ya I am human, I want to go downtown"

When we got home, [o] went downstairs as usual to talk to his old girlfriends- I can never count them, they are uncountable.

[i] called him: "Hey [o] you didn't wash the dishes, you became lazy recently, why?"
[o] said: "Oh Sorry man, because I am Human!"
[i] said: "Oh I am human too therefore I don't have to cook for you any more"
I said: "I guess we are apes that's why we don't go downtown nor wash dishes or do housework"

The End...Based on true events 100%.

Note:[i] is the owner of the house.

Q:Dear Readers, Are You human too?

[o]'s Daily: [17][18]
And To know who [o] is or For [o] Daily's Archives, Visit [x]'s Archives.

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. said...

I don't want to have a blog, I don't want to think, I don't want to have freedom of speech, i don't want to stay home, i don't want to boycott, I am human :).

. said...

Hmm, Boycott those who don't have a matching DNA of ours. :)

Anonymous said...

Lol [o] is funny, but some men can only be controlled by women :D I'll bet if [i] was a female he'd spring clean the whole house...spoken by a feminist [f]