Saturday, December 31, 2005

BriefWord[7]+ BTQ[49]

BedTime's Quote[49]:
"New Year's day is celebrated globally, while A question, whether It is any different year or day from any other calendar, remains unrealizeable!" --[x] [Social-Understanding]

Political Status: Offensive.
Psychological Status: Insomiac.
New Year's Day is just a Number:
New Year's Celebration, I wonder how people think of this, What's the difference between Gregorian Calender New Year, or Chinese New Year, or Islamic New Year or whatever there is?! People don't realize Time, and they would never, the silliest question, which people mostly ask in such an event, is "What's your resolution for the new year?", I wonder if The Chinese ask the same question while celebrating theirs.
So now I ask:
"Is the Gregorian New Year more special than the Chinese New year?" Or
"Doesn't it really make a big difference in realizing the importance of one day astronomically?",
"Aren't all these calendars made of numbers and astronomical calculation, and that all of them remark any historical event in different numbers/dates?!"

I am not putting this event down, but questioning its importance as a number in a calendar, the New Year's day event is not really considered historical event more than just a number, One One 2006. Last Question, If China takes over the world instead USA, will the world start celebrating The Chinese New Year's Day instead? The answer is obvious.
Edited for reviewing by [x]

Note:No Happy New Year, I might celebrate my own calendar's new year eve, I will name it "Squar Root Of X Calendar" :| Happy New Squar Root of X Year!

Goodnight Dear Readers


. said...

That's the Julian Calendar I think, Plus The Gregorian doesn't start with Zero so Jesus was born a year old lol..imagine you came out to earth a year old..then we have to take it off from your age like if u r 21 now we take off one year to be 20 :D ..I don't know much about it even thuogh I read alot on that issue! I read once that it should not even be the year 2005 but 2008 or 2009..4 years inaccuracy!....But that's Julian I think,..sorry my memory sucks.


. said...

And yes, It is Psychological too, You made a very good point that makes me think to delete my briefword7 lol.

. said...

If i could go back in time, I would only make one wish, which is To meet Nebeel she3eel when he was skinny :D I am not tired of making fun of him. I think I should stop otherwise i will be him someday.