Sunday, December 04, 2005

Tick Tack

Note: Scientific Poem, I wrote for a poetry competition, I came third!, maybe not many people are too scientific to get it, but as scientific writing I think it's good.

I haven't slept yet, Actually I will not sleep tonight. I posted this poem from my account drafts, I have alot of drafts and writing that I didn't publish yet.

Tick Tack.
Tack Tick.
Passing The zero millisecond.

Bing Bang.
floating energy's expanding
the universe
the memory

Time is born
Life is on.
Protons to Photons.

Light spreads faster than itself
Masses bending Spaces.
and Moons.
Humans implanted on Earth
they looked like fools.

Civilizations wondered about you.
Scientists argued to get to know you.
Tick Tack
in the year Ninteen Fifteen
After Christ
The bright.
Albert Einstein married You.

Time is a beautiful woman
That never gets old.
Only beats the odds.
At Nine Twenty Nine
November Nine
Two Thousands and Five
I wrote this for you.
influenced by [z]

A Breif Word:
There's A day in life when you will say "70 years of my life are a blink of an eye now", There's a day when your life seems worthless or maybe meaningful, but the day I am talking about will make you feel the difference between Death and Life, and where and how Soul exists in between. After that day you might be alive or dead, and you will be the only one who realizes that day. And, that's what I call "Self-Social-Experience" which means none can make you realize it until you go through it--[x]

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