Sunday, December 25, 2005

[o]'s Daily[16]

[o]'s Daily[16]:
December 10th
In The Morning, Outside Cold,
[o] came and woke me up "Wake up Lazy"
To be honest, The time I went to bed is the time he woke up.
I said "Yes, what's up?"
he said "Please help me, my computer has a virus"
I said to myself "What!, it's only 10 days old and now it's infected with HIV Virus from,must be, a Russian website to learn English from, for sure!"
I said to him "Well, Let's check it out"
I checked it and there's no solution except formatting it,
He called the company, a woman answered "Hello! May I help you?"
He answered "Yes, My computer got virus, help me"
She said "What!"
He said "My computer is bad now, I not can't use my computer"
She couldn't understand him only because of his accent, otherwise it was ok for me at least.
He gave me the phone.
I talked to her and explained everything...
Later on at night.
He got a phone call, from the computer company, it was an Indian guy.
[o] couldn't understand the Indian guy,nor the Indian guy did.
I took the phone and talked to him,
The guy had Indian accent, and he said "I am calling from Indiyaa,the Company's branch in Calcootaa".
I said to him "Aha, that's what I call outsourcing"
He laughed, then said "Yes but are you wid[with] it or for it?"
I said "I don't care as long as you get paid, and this computer is fixed"
Then He said "Ok, your friend has a problem with the computer, I did not understand HER"
I went quiet, and said to myself "HER!"
Then I realized the Indian guy thought it was a she not a he or an [o].
I said "Yeah she has a problem with her computer"
He said "Oh, I see, I will try to help her as much as possible"
then he asked "Where Are you from?, and where is she from?"
I said "I am from x-country, and she is from Lebanon"
He said "Oh so you live together?"
I said "Yes she is only my friend"
[o] looked at me wondering and lost asking himself "Who is she!"
After the call finished,
[o] asked "Who in Lebanon?"
I said "'YOU!', the guy thought you were female"
[o] got mad at me, I said "listen, I got adapted to the SHE thing during the conversation and it was hard to convert that Term back to HE!"
Unfortunately, he didn't buy it, my excuse was reject by his majesty [o]
Eventually the Computer got fixed, and unfortunately the Indian guy had to call many more times to make sure it works.
And whenever he calls, he says "SHE, SHE, And SHE!"

For those who just read this for the first time.
You may need to read this first : Intro to [o], and [o][first day]
99% Based on True Events. Dark Comedy


Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for [o] he has to live with [x].....hehe

. said...

You should feel happy that I am not living with you, lol. otherwise i would call u [s] for slow. hehe j/k

Anonymous said...

[o] is very cute...