Friday, December 30, 2005

A hyper-man

Let me sleep awake
Conquering my Dreams
With my eyes wide open,
Monopolizing Visions,
Enslaving Desires,
Burying Reality,
A dream World
Full of the unseens,
Blinks of Stars
A hyper-man
The Insomniac.
Influenced by[z]

Note: Too Bored, Wrote this, mmm.I think my Blog is a Chat box entirely where I chat with myself, and others try to wake me up,those I call "Comment-makers" hehe, :)

Q:If Sleep was for sale, how much would One Kg of Sleep be?
Nah Nevermind.


Hamood said...

hmm, nice poem.

And 1 kg of sleep would be = 15 mins message to everyone who lives in the same place as you, so they can leave you alone and give you the 1 kg of sleep.

. said...

lol I didn't sleep much,
By the way, Long time no see, plus why not posting on your blog!