Thursday, November 03, 2005

[o]'s [3rdDay]

[o]'s DailyLife:
October 31st:
First Social Half-political Disccusion
At Night.
[o] is trying to open a discussion so he thought of a tribal topic.
He asked me "What your family name in your country?"
I was like "Oh here we go, discussing the ancient world societies"
He said "Like me in my country my family is [ooo] name"
I said "Oh Yes I know I know.."
He said "And you family name?"
I said "My family is [xxx] name"
He said "What this?"
I said "it's a family name"
He said "In my country my family is very big, strong"
He then asked "And your family Big or what?"
I said "it's small but powerful"
He said "ok good"
So he felt it's like a challenge between my tribe and his so he tried to say more better things about his.
I said "Yeah But I don't care much"
He said "Oh but my family is so big, and strong my family control Arabic world, we are all arabic countries"
as usual, I pretended to be WOW!.
so I said "Oh very interesting, hmm Amazing"
He said "Yeah good, you know, Bahrain King, Kuwait, Iraq Mo-amar Kadafi and more all from my family name"
I said to myself "No Wonder the arabic world is so weak and un-united, now it's even harder to brainwash you and make you an antitribalist antinationalist"
The discussion was roughly spoken in English.
Suddenly He changed the topic.
and Asked me "you know how to swim?"
I was like "man This is the third time I am asked this question by the same person within one day and my answer never changes yet"
I said "No I don't"
he said "Oh Ok, me too"
Then he left to eat...

...To be Continued

The Story is based on real facts. 99%Facts.
Dark Comedy


Anonymous said...


Now I think u Both develope ur Discussing

then u turn it back ,, to the usual Q & A ,,

Do u know how to swim?

unfortenately, u both dont know ..

Well, why dont u take him to a swimming classes ?

Dont be Mad ,,
Just a suggestion,,

have a NiCe Day ..


. said...

lool Pinko..Yes we don't know how to swim hehe

Tr@fficJ@m said...

I feel sorry for you having to spend that precious alone-time you had with an {O} like him!
He 'll get around eventually.