Tuesday, October 11, 2005


When A person's divided into two, one for hell,another for heaven,he only has to choose one. To choose one he needs a logical mind not an emotional blind mind. Life for some means nothing, but for others it means another path to another life. Life for me is t0 serve him only and please his laws before any law, his rule before any rule. Only one.

ضاع فكري
ضاع مستقبلي
وعقلي منهم

أنشق دفتري
إلى نصفان
لا يلتقيان
نصفه إلحاد!
وألاخر إسلام

نصفا يتسأل عن وجوده!
والأخر يطلب وعوده

نصفا مات بجهله
وألاخرعاش بأيمانه
إين أنا من
هذا الوجود?

ياربي ألعن نصفي
وأغفر للأخر
وأصلح عقلي من
influenced by [z]

Note:To Reflect The conflict between Arab Atheists vs Arab Muslims in some blogs, I visited, and those arab athiests driven by some secret societies in the Middle East to weaken the main faith of the region (Islam).

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