Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Quote of tomorrow

Quote of tomorrow says to itself.
Saying few words to summarize a thousand books of Experience.
Applying few to serve many.
Acting like knowing everything.
While in Fact sadly "I" know nothing...
A Quote of tomorrow says to others:
-"Life is a long road, begins with a failure and ends up with a success, Unless it begins with a success"

- "Failing once to fail thousand times and learning once to learn thousand times equal a collection of experiences which paves the way to success"

influenced by

Random Writing, pop up ideas need a pop up blocker, An Idea says to one's mind "if you have me in your head, dont publish me in a blog, just burn me in hell, because I myself might be able to drive reality to hell".


nefud said...

If today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday, ......was it worth worrying about?

Unknown said... the quotes!

. said...

Hi are you doing ?...And thanx for your usual being nice u!
Nefud: that comment rings a bell..and destroys history..and builds a new chapter...
i read it somewhere:P