Thursday, October 13, 2005

On a frontline [part.2]

After 23years...
The land is blue.
but few are Reds without a clue
Of why and how this happened this way.
A lesson from history,
Still not Making them sorry!

A strike of one man shakes the hearts of thousand's calls.
Weakened spirits of a faith cause all to be Nulls.
Open the book titled "Follow the even falls"
Page One, Chapter eleven,
"History always makes the balance even"
One Lesson to learn:
Don't be Driven,
Nor Given,
Nor ravin.
Just try to reach Heaven.
copyright@ [x]
influenced by [z]

Note: This is written to reflect a nation's defeat under one man's feet. And I wrote it in two parts "On A frontline[prt.1] and On a frontline[prt.2]"


Anonymous said...

On A frontline[prt.3]
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

. said...

Yes Nice poem Mr.Ozymandias,