Monday, October 24, 2005


I remember once, I was buying a burger in a fast food place.
A woman who was the cashier, asked me " Where Are you from?"
I said "x-country".
She went quiet "hmmm" then said "Where is that?"
I said "Middle East",
She said "Where's that?"
...I went quiet, and said to myself in my mind "Please God, give me a gun to shoot myself".
I looked at her and said "Nevermind, it's just a place you don't need to know about".
She laughed and said with her ignorant accent "OO-Kai".

I remember one time I was asked if Osama bin Laden was the president of Iraq, and If Yasser Arafat was the king of KSA!. or Saddam was the president of MIDDLE EAST~

-It's ok If the president of this nation himself refered the people of Greece "Greecians!"
-When he was asked by a journalist from Slovakia about what he knew about Slovenia he said " the only thing I know about SLOVAKIA is what i learned in first hand from your minister who came to my hometown"
He was asked about Slovenia but his answer was about Slovakia!.

-and in an interview with a tv channel while he was running for president: The interview goes as following:

Mr.Smart President:
The new Pakistani General, he's just been elected -- not elected, this guy took over office. It appears this guy is going to bring stability to the country and I think that's good news for the subcontinent.
And you can name him?
Mr.Smart President:
General... I can name the general.
And it's...?
Mr.Smart President:
And the Prime Minister of India?
Mr.Smart President:
The new Prime Minister of India is... [pause] No.
........After all this now he is trying to act smart so he said the following to the journalist:
Mr.Smart President:
Can you name the Foreign Minister of Mexico?
No sir, but I would say to that: I'm not running for President.

Note: I meant to offend nobody. I am only stating facts, I didn't even mention the names of the people invovled in this article. Plus, I guess we know who the [z], the [x], the [y] of these stories are. If you know just keep it for yourself.

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