Sunday, October 02, 2005

A flower's Story

Having people all around me
Bees flying.
Butterflies calling.
Birds singing.
Looking at me.
Smelling me
Peaceful so round
like Myself never blooms yet.
When winter comes
I shrink.
Feeling the whole world against me.
Fearing the future.
Only torture.
Like there's no fortune.
Pain and Saddness.
Not Equal to Sacrifice yet.
Until spring comes.
I'm dead.
I survive winter alone for few.
To have my seeds grown in you.
And Myself to pass away.
Finding me.
Dry and Colorless.
Attaching me to page#23.
Waiting everyday.
for her to open page#23.
Of the Book titled "Live Once More"
Just to smile once more for a cure.

inspired by [y]

Written Last night

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a butterfly said to a rose: why when i am with u i feel that i own the world, i cant see any thing, i can't smill any thig except you?
oh my GOD. you are my love