Thursday, October 13, 2005

Things I have to do

It's strange, this blog's become like a poetry website more than a place to write something about my daily boring repeated actions. Anyway, I have things to do, and some I really want to know more and I can't get, I will list them:
1- Noam Chomsky,
I want to know more about him more politically. I can't get the guy real ideology!.
2- 50 pages on American Social Structures
-->I want to write.
3- A photography Competition,
I want to join, but can't think of the perfect picture yet, I think it'll come to me like when poems ideas come to me.
Sorry my life has so much less goals to achieve, Let me think hmmm,Oh yes my first goal I want to achieve now is "drink water and sleep". Second goal, "Don't miss any class tomorrow lol".

My Quote of the post: "Life has many failures to go through, but there's only one big failure to change your life 180°, and turn it from Zero to Hero"
Note: this is the post #110


Anonymous said...

You know X you mentioned your blog being more like a poetry website rather than a BLOG!!! But i havent seen a poetic word yet on the whole site. Unless its in arabic which I do not understand. Lol im kiddin. Life is poetry X you just gotta learn how to make it rhyme!

. said...

Yes Life is poetry...except when its rhyme becomes a heavy metal music.