Monday, October 17, 2005

Diagrammatic Poem

This poem style I call hmmm Subjective&Objective style or Diagrammatic Poem..i dont know if they have a specific name for this. lol...I'm insane!

Tomorrow's outlines: (the title)

1> Study
--> DB
2> Read
--> in "Secrets, Lies, and Democracy"
-----> By Chomsky!
3> Eat
--> Soup, Cheese Broccoli
-----> Hot and spicy
4> Write
--> About Arabian's Sociology
-----> For its Stupidology
5> Watch
--> Tv
-----> on BBC.
---------> About Nazi's Media "hy·poc·ri·sy"
6> Sleep
--> At Ten:fifty
--> Dream
-----> About [y] in the sky
--> Snore
-----> bloody Loudly

influenced by [z]

I haven't done this by using Visual or anything alike. This is Diagrammatic poem lol. the Diagrammatic poem has Class, and Subclass. [-_-]. [z] here is the Object-Oriented approach, XML, Java...etc.


iamnasra said...

Thank you so much for your lovely comments...

I seem to be so lazy in Ramdhan in keeping up with the world of blogs...

I promise I will visit again..As I liked what you have over here

Swamy VKN said...

Thanks for ur comments at InspiringWords. You have a lovely blog, so glad to notice that ur in Oman. Let us stay in touch. Cheers!
